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作者:文都教育 文章来源:sina 点击数: 更新时间:2008-5-2 15:34:52




  Directions:You are going to read a list of headings and a text about plagiarism in

  the academic community. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for

  each numbered paragraph (4 1-45). The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

  [A] What to do as a student?

  Various definitions of plagiarism

  [C] Ideas should always be sourced

  [D] Ignorance can be forgiven

  [E] Plagiarism is equivalent to theft

  [F] The consequences of plagiarism

  Scholars, writers and teachers in the modern academic community have strong feelings about acknowledging the use of another person’s ideas. In the English-speaking world, the term plagiarism is used to label the practice of not giving credit for the source of one’s ideas. Simply stated, plagiarism is “the wrongful appropriation or purloining, and publication asone’s own of the ideas, or the expression of ideas of another.”


  The penalties for plagiarism vary from situation to situation. In many universities, the punishment may range from failure in a particular course to expulsion from the university. In the literary world, where writers are protected from plagiarism by international copyright laws, the penalty may range from a small fine to imprisonment and a ruined career. Protection of scholars and writers, through the copyright laws and through the social pressures of the academic and literary communities, is a relatively recent concept. Such social pressures and copyright laws require writers to give scrupulous attention to documentation of their sources.


  Students, as inexperienced scholars themselves, must avoid various types of plagiarism by being self-critical in their use of other scholars’ ideas and by giving appropriate credit for the source of borrowed ideas and words, otherwise dire consequences may occur. There are at least three classifications of plagiarism as it is revealed in students’ inexactness in identifying sources properly. They are plagiarism by accident, by ignorance, and by intention.


  Plagiarism by accident, or oversight,sometimes is the result of the writer’s inability to decide or remember where the idea came from. He may have read it long ago, heard it in a lecture since forgotten, or acquired it second-hand or third-hand from discussions with colleagues. He may also have difficulty in deciding whether the idea is such common knowledge that no reference to the original source is needed. Although this type of plagiarism must be guarded against, it is the least serious and, if lessons learned, can be exempt from being severely punished.


  Plagiarism through ignorance is simply a way of saying that inexperienced writers often do not know how or when to acknowledge their sources. The techniques for documentation-note-taking, quoting, footnoting, listing bibliography -- are easily learned and can prevent the writer from making unknowing mistakes or omissions in his references. Although‘there is no copyright in news, or in ideas, only in the expression of them,’the writer cannot plead ignorance when his sources for ideas are challenged.


  The most serious kind of academic thievery is plagiarism by intention. The writer, limited by his laziness and dullness, copies the thoughts and language of others and claims them for his own. He not only steals, he tries to deceive the reader into believing the ideas are original. Such words as immoral, dishonest, offensive, and despicable are used to describe the practice of plagiarism by intention.

  The opposite of plagiarism is acknowledgement: All mature and trustworthy writers make use of the ideas of others but they are careful to acknowledge their indebtedness to their sources. Students, as developing scholars, writers, teachers, and professional leaders, should recognize and assume their responsibility to document all sources from which language and thoughts are borrowed. Other members of the profession will not only respect the scholarship, they will admire the humility and honesty.




  [A] What to do as a student? Student-----do something

  Various definitions of plagiarism plagiarism-----definition

  [C] Ideas should always be sourced idea-----be sourced

  [D] Ignorance can be forgiven ignorance-----be forgiven

  [E] Plagiarism is equivalent to theft plagiarism-----theft

  [F] The consequences of plagiarism plagiarism-----consequence





  41题对应段落主体及动作来源于段首句和段尾句:The penalties for plagiarism vary from situation to situation. …Such social pressures and copyright laws require writers to give scrupulous attention to documentation of their sources.


  对应动作为:The penalties for plagiarism “学术剽窃的惩罚” vary from situation to situation.“因形式而异” …require writers to give scrupulous attention to documentation of their sources. “要求作者格外关注其材料的来源给出注解”。对应选项为:F

  42题对应段落主体及动作来源于段首句:Students, as inexperienced scholars themselves, must avoid various types of plagiarism by being self-critical in their use of other scholars’ ideas and by giving appropriate credit for the source of borrowed ideas and words, otherwise dire consequences may occur.


  对应动作为:avoid various kind of plagiarism “避免各种剽窃”,being self-critical “自我批评”


  43题对应段落主体来源于段落前两句,动作来源于段落尾句:Plagiarism by accident, or oversight,sometimes is the result of the writer’s inability to decide or remember where the idea came from….Although this type of plagiarism must be guarded against, it is the least serious and, if lessons learned, can be exempt from being severely punished.


  对应动作为:by accident “意外”, is the result of the writer’s inability“是作者无能的结果”, be guarded against “小心提防”,exempt from being severely punished“未被严厉惩罚”


  44题对应段落主体及动作来源于段落首句和尾句:Plagiarism through ignorance is simply a way of saying that inexperienced writers often do not know how or when to acknowledge their sources. …Although ‘there is no copyright in news, or in ideas, only in the expression of them,’ the writer cannot plead ignorance when his sources for ideas are challenged.


  对应动作为:do not know how or when to acknowledge their sources “不知道信息来源”, documentation-note-taking, quoting, footnoting, listing “笔记,引用,脚注,列举” cannot plead ignorance “不能恳求当作无知”, his sources for ideas “思想的来源” are challenged“受到质疑”。


  45题对应段落主体及动作来源于段落首句和尾句:The most serious kind of academic thievery is plagiarism by intention…. Such words as immoral, dishonest, offensive, and despicable are used to describe the practice of plagiarism by intention.


  对应动作为:academic thievery “学术盗窃”,are used to describe the practice of plagiarism“被用来描述故意的学术剽窃”。


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