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法律英语:Understanding the U.S. Federal Courts (3)
作者:佚名 文章来源:不详 点击数: 更新时间:2007-2-26 12:49:08
rations and programs, providing technical assistance to the courts, developing training programs, and fostering communications within the judiciary and with other branches of government and the public.

The Director of the Administrative Office, who is appointed by the Chief Justice in consultation with the Judicial Conference, serves as the chief administrative officer of the federal courts. Congress has vested many of the judiciary's administrative responsibilities in the Director. Recognizing, however, that the courts can make better business decisions based on local needs, the Director in the last few years has delegated the responsibility for many administrative matters to the individual courts. This concept, known as "decentralization," allows each court to operate with considerable autonomy and sound management principles in accordance with policies and guidelines set at the regional and national level.

The Federal Judicial Center:

The Federal Judicial Center provides training and research for the federal judiciary in a wide range of areas including court administration, case management, budget and finance, human resources, and court technology. It develops orientation and continuing education programs for judges and other court personnel, including seminars, curriculum materials for use by individual courts, monographs and manuals, and audio, video, and interactive media programs. The Center conducts studies of judiciary operations, and makes recommendations to the Judicial Conference for improvement of the administration and management of the federal courts. The Center's operations are overseen by a board of directors consisting of the Chief Justice, the Director of the Administrative Office, and seven judges chosen by the Judicial Conference.

Judicial Council for Multi-district Litigation:

The Judicial Panel for Multi-district Litigation has the authority to transfer cases that are pending in different districts but involve common questions of fact (for example, mass tort actions arising from airplane crashes, breast implants, or asbestos) to a single district for coordinated or consolidated pretrial proceedings. The Panel consists of seven court of appeals and district court judges designated by the Chief Justice.

United States Sentencing Commission:

The U.S. Sentencing Commission establishes sentencing guidelines for the federal criminal justice system. The Commission also monitors the performance of probation officers with regard to sentencing recommendations, and has established a research program that includes a clearinghouse and information center on federal sentencing practices. The Sentencing Commission consists of a chairman, three vice chairs, and three other voting commissioners who are appointed for six-year terms by the President.

The Judiciary’s Budget:

In recognition of the constitutional separation of powers among the three branches of the federal government, Congress has given the judiciary authority to prepare and execute its own budget. The Administrative Office, in consultation with the courts and with various Judicial Conference committees, prepares a proposed budget for the judiciary for each fiscal year. The proposal is reviewed and approved by the Judicial Conference and is submitted to the Congress with detailed justifications. By law, the President must include in his budget to Congress the judiciary's budget proposal without change. The appro- priation committees of the Congress conduct hearings at which judges and the Director of the Administrative Office frequently pre-sent and justify the judiciary's projected expenditures.

After Congress enacts a budget for the judiciary, the Judicial Conference approves a plan to spend the money, and the Administrative Office distributes funds directly to each court, operating unit, and program in the judiciary. Individual courts have considerable authority and flexibility to conduct

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