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作者:未知  文章来源:北京教育考试信息港  点击数422  更新时间:2007/7/12 15:07:11  文章录入:night401  责任编辑:night401

(1) the和可数名词单数连用,表示一类人或物,如:  the fern(蕨类), the wallflower 
(2) 序数词之前必须用the,如:  the first woman, the nineteenth century 
但前面有物主代词时除外,如 my first baby 
(3) 形容词最高级之前必须用the(有物主代词时除外),如:  the largest city, the most advanced technology 
(4) of连接的名词前多用the, 如:  the development of the watch, 
(5) 世界上独一无二的东西前应加the, 如:  the globe(地球),the equator(赤道), the moon, the sun 
在下列情况下,一般不用the:  (1) 表示人名、地名、国家名等专有名词前, 一般不加,如: 
Dennis Chavez(人名),Alaska(地名),English(英语), February(二月),  America(美国) 
the Great Lakes(美国五大湖), the Changjiang River(长江) 
(2) 无特指的不可数名词前,如:  algebra(代数学), advertising, accounting(会计学) 
(3) 表示类别的复数名词前,如:  Historians believe that…, Amphibians(两栖动物) hatch from… 
(4) 一些固定词组中,如:  in history, in nature, at work, at home , go to school, go to bed, in  bed 
乘车的词组:  by train(乘火车), by car (乘汽车), by bicycle(骑脚踏车),  by bus (乘公共汽车),  by land(由陆路), by sea (由海路), by water (由水路) , by air  (通过航空)  on foot (步行), by plane(乘飞机), by ship (乘船), 
打球的词组:  play tennis, play baseball, play basketball 
注意:表示职位的词之前的冠词有无均可, 如:He was elected (the)  chairman of t  he committee. 
不可数名词的限定词和不可数名词原形连用, 下面这些限定词后面一定跟不可数名词:  
much, a large amount of, a great deal of, a wealth of(大量的、丰富的)  little /a little /less /least, a piece /sheet /slice /bar of, 属不可数名词专用另外一些词(词组)如such, some /any (of), most (of), a lot of, lots of,  the re  st of, plenty of等既可接可数名词又可接不可数名词。 
有些形容词本身就具有“比….年长”、“ 比…..优越”等含义,因此也就没有比较级和最高级。比如: inferior, superior, senior, anterior。这些形容词往往和to连用,而不和than连用。    
有些形容词本身就具备“最、极”的含义,所以就没有最高级和比较级。如:absolute(绝对的), unique(独一无二的), infinite(无限的), round(圆的),  right(对  的), correct(正确的), wrong(错误的), perfect(完美的)

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